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Thinking with MAZE-impact how to create a living community of impact startups in the blue economy

Challenge: Explore how to create a living, enduring community of impact startups that go through the Blue Bio Value (BBV) acceleration program coordinated by MAZE-Impact in partnership with the Blue Bio Alliance, and funded by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the Oceano Azul Foundation.

Resources & Process: We facilitated exploratory brainstorming sessions online with the MAZE Acceleration team to collectively envision MAZE's greater potential as an impact accelerator in a way that challenges common thinking, illuminates development opportunities for the BBV startup community, and creates excitement in the team to continue innovating.

Results: Articulation of a first collective vision of the MAZE team regarding the Blue Bio Value community seen as a nested system; Generation of insights on elements that sustain the team's motivation for this challenge, and on the unique value and role that MAZE can have within that community.

Date: January and February 2022


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